Wisconsin seeks to divert water from Great Lakes basin; DEQ taking public comments Feb. 9

Midland Daily News, February 3, 2016
Author: Steve Griffin

Michigan officials say they will accept and carefully review public comments about an application submitted by the state of Wisconsin to divert water from the Great Lakes basin to the city of Waukesha, Wis.

The application was made to the Great Lakes Compact Council and the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Water Resources Regional Body.

Waukesha is under a state court order to address unacceptable levels of radium in its current groundwater supply of drinking water.

Since Waukesha is located in a county that straddles the Great Lakes basin, it can apply for an exception to the 2008 Great Lakes Compact, signed by all eight Great Lakes states and Ontario and Quebec, which prohibits diversions from the Great Lakes except under strictly limited circumstances.

All eight states must approve the exception for it to take effect.

To gather input, the DEQ will hold public meetings Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 1-3 p.m. and again from 6-8 p.m., at the Lansing Community College West Campus. The meetings will also be streamed live atwww.michigan.gov/waterdiversion.

Individuals can submit comments online until March 1 to www.michigan.gov/waterdiversion or to deq-waterdiversion@michigan.gov.