Letter: Great Lakes water should be protected →
Holland Sentinel, February 19, 2016
Author: Mary McKSchmidt
Waukesha claims to be such a city. But while it is critical that residents in the Great Lakes region have access to clean, safe drinking water, Waukesha’s application should be denied by the governors and premiers. By significantly expanding their service area to include portions of other towns and cities that have not demonstrated a need for Lake Michigan water, the Waukesha application is not in compliance with the compact. In addition, it appears that another reasonable alternative exists for Waukesha’s current water service area. To allow such exceptions in this first application sets precedent and undermines the very essence of the 2008 compact and agreement.
Florida has sunshine. Arizona has dry heat. We have water. Clean, fresh water is key to our transition from “The Rust Belt” to a world leader in innovation, prosperity, and sustainable growth. Great Lakes waters should be protected for residents and businesses in the Great Lakes Basin and those straddling communities who truly demonstrate a dire need.